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MakingADifferenceForCaregivers, Coach
My uncle is diagnosed with alcohol-induced dementia. My aunt is his primary caregiver and I help her out. He is still in the early stages and gets angry and frustrated easily. We are committed to care for him at home for as long as possible. I have 3 years experience and would be happy to share my story and learn about yours. I know it is a difficult journey and I am all ears!
I care(d) a total of 3 years for a male
I care(d) a total of 1 year for a female
I have years of experience I can share if it will help.
I care(d) a total of 7 years for a malefemale
SOS! Patient has dementia, I believe somewhat alcohol induced. If we do not give him alcohol he is violent and combative. No memory center will take him because he drinks, no rehab will take him because of the dementia. Alcoholic Hepatitis and liver is shutting down. Any help greatly appreciated
I care(d) a total of 1 year for a male