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I care(d) a total of 1 year for a female
My dad had chronic heart disease for most of his life.He had 2 bypasses, a few rhythm procedures and ultimately died of heart failure. I managed his meds and his general well being when my mom was no longer able to.
I care(d) a total of 28 years for a male
I care(d) a total of 1 year for a female
I had a loved one who had several heart attacks during his life. The first was during our first year of marriage - I was 18. If you want some support, I'd be glad to offer it. I am not a cardiologist.
I care(d) a total of 3 years for a male
My brother died of a heart attack @ 49. Learned a lot lessons from it.
I care(d) a total of 1 year for a malefemale
My dad was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. I don't have a lot of specific experience with the medical aspects of the diagnosis - more with the symptoms.
I care(d) a total of 4 years for a male
I helped my mother during her last year. She was a blessing. And I miss her a lot. We had a great relationship and we journeyed this together.
I care(d) a total of 1 year for a female
I care(d) a total of 1 year for a malefemale