We Can Bring Our Proven Technology To You

Contact us Today for Tailored solutions for Franchises and Franchisees, Companies, Non-profits, Religious Organizations, Unions, and Institutions, featuring:
  • Generative Al-Assisted Programs
  • Engaging Content, Podcasts & Videos
  • Interactive Private and Public Chat Voice Enabled
  • In-house Group Integration and Customization
Today to explore the programs below and contact us to view our full menu of programs.

While technology has always been our primary business, caregiving has been at the heart of everything we do. Over the past eight years, we’ve shared a wealth of valuable programs with the community — freely providing tools to empower individuals and organizations alike.

Today, as the home healthcare industry grows to encompass more than half a million businesses and countless product and service providers, we’re taking the next step in our journey. We are proud to offer our software through an accessible licensing model, enabling businesses of all sizes to leverage affordable, innovative programming solutions tailored to their needs.

By combining our technological expertise with our unwavering commitment to caregiving, we aim to support the industry’s evolution while continuing to serve as a trusted partner for those who dedicate their lives to care.

Articles and Podcasts

Let us produce generative AI articles and podcasts for you

Less than 1% of our viewers reading our generative AI articles exited our website, compared with an average of 20%-40% on most websites.
At most websites, viewers read less than a minute on an article. Our articles are read for 2 1/2 minutes.
All articles are referenced, checked for plagiarism, feature surveys, and readers' comments. You pick the topics and let us do the heavy lifting!

First Page SEO Ranked Articles

Do You Have to Pay Capital Gains Tax After Age 70?

Do You Have to Pay Capital Gains Tax After Age 70?

37,940 visits in 2024
2:28 average time on page
0.50% exit
Effective Strategies for Dealing with Selfish Elderly Parents

Effective Strategies for Dealing with Selfish Elderly Parents

4,567 visits
2:20 average time on page
0.39% exit
20 Famous People with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

20 Famous People with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

2,810 visits
2:46 average time on page
0.39% exit
How many hours can a caregiver work in a day

How many hours can a caregiver work in a day

2,515 visits in 2024
1:46 average time on page
0.50% exit
What is the Best Skin Care Routine for a 50-Year-Old Woman?

What is the Best Skin Care Routine for a 50-Year-Old Woman?

2,209 visits
2:01 average time on page
0.42% exit
What Are the Final Symptoms of End-Stage Liver Disease?

What Are the Final Symptoms of End-Stage Liver Disease?

1,570 visits
2:25 average time on page
0.40% exit

Interactive Gathering Applications

We offer interactive applications for private conversations or group interactions, including voice conversations for those more comfortable speaking their native language
We can also add video and live streaming to the application.
Interactive applications for private conversations or group interactions
Currently, we feature Subjects about Caregiving Issues, Caregiving Assistance, Help with Disease States, and Topical Social Issues.
All Subjects and sub-topics can contain the content of your choice. For example, a religious
                    organization could use our existing infrastructure to promote your own ideas.
All Subjects and sub-topics can contain the content of your choice. For example, a religious organization could use our existing infrastructure to promote your own ideas.


Choose Your Own Generative AI Affirmations

Generative AI Affirmations
Generative AI Affirmations
Caregivers access daily affirmations to find strength and positive affirmations that their work should be a source of pride and accomplishment. Each affirmation contains text sizes, is emailed to the recipient, can be shared on social media, and an up or down vote to continually improve the answers.
We can produce affirmations for other solutions - everything from a 12-step substance abuse program to quit smoking, gambling, or other addictions. These programs help individuals daily with positive reinforcement.

Generative Al Application

The Care Librarian is a generative Al application that can answer complex questions about caregiving. She is programmed with guardrails to only caregiving questions, so she cannot answer questions about the weather, for example.
Generative Al Application
Generative Al ApplicationGenerative Al Application
We can create applications for any subject, including images of ethnicities and background art, and are programmed to answer questions pertaining only to your topic.
Each application will refresh daily and store past answers to assist with follow-up questions.
From guides to your website to specific topics, they are available 24/7 for your viewers.

Expert Onboarding Applications

Make Your Onboarding Process Easy and Fast

Our onboarding application can assist you in finding a caregiver, identifying a supportive family member, friend, or someone who practices self-care, and finding new resources for your business.
We can customize your onboarding and eliminate long lists that discourage participation.
Caregiving Network™ does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
You should always consult a qualified physician for any medical advice.
Today to explore and experience the program online.