Tribute for Caring Life Partners

Most of our caretaker stories are about Alzheimers, dementia, Parkinson’s, and other debilitating illnesses. We want to share this one as a tribute to the many caring life partners and the extraordinary lengths they will go to help the partner they love. Frank is 70 years old and has been married to his wife, Marty, for 48 years. Frank never thought about his wife being his caretaker. He certainly didn’t just before tripping, shattering his knee cap and having it repaired by wiring the pieces together and going through a painful and lengthy healing process.”In April 2016, we were picking up our grandchildren and taking them to school. I was walking, and the next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground. I had shattered my knee cap, and my wife became my caretaker.I had surgery to repair my kneecap, and I was placed in a full leg brace, which immobilized me for almost 10 weeks. During that time, I was not able to move or carry anything and had to rely entirely on my wife for everything. At night, I couldn’t sleep in my bed and had to sleep in a chair and then move back and forth from the chair to the couch when the chair became unbearable. Each night, 2 to 3 times, she got up with me and worked tirelessly to make me feel more comfortable. I have always been healthy. I eat well, get plenty of sleep, and go to the gym regularly. But being helpless and having to lie still for 10 weeks made me depressed. My wife worked day and night to brighten my mood and compassionately helped me stay positive throughout this time. When I took a shower, I had to crawl over a 6-inch lip to get inside, and I couldn’t lift my leg to climb into the shower. Marty placed a chair inside the shower and one outside as well. I sat in the outside chair and inched my way closer, and stood up while my wife waiting inside the shower with the other chair to balance me as I handed her my crutches and crawled inside. She did that and served me meals in my chair for 276 consecutive days. When my friends visited, my wife had an opportunity to leave and do things for herself. I know how important it was for her to stay healthy and take care of herself. Free time was so important to her and to all caretakers. I learned a lot during this time. Most importantly, I learned a new appreciation for my loving wife. Another lesson I learned is to pay it forward. Now, whenever a friend of mine is ill or having an operation, I make sure I’m present to help out. Not only does it make the person needing care feel good, but it also makes me a better advocate and creates memories that last forever.I wanted to share this story with you as a tribute to my wife, and to the many supportive partners who depend on each other, and the extraordinary lengths they will go to help the person they love. We are all just a fall or a diagnosis away from great need, and I believe in Karma and the blessings we can all create with a little extra effort.”