Welcome to Caregiving Network!

Caregiving Network IS NOW OPEN! This is the first version of our website application that will allow Caregivers who CAN HELP to connect with Caregivers who NEED HELP about highly relevant and personal topics.Your safety, privacy, and security are our main concern:- Everyone is anonymous, and all activity on the site is opt-in so you can communicate with those you wish.- All communication is encrypted from point-to-point.- You are not tracked or solicited like social media sites or search engines.- We work with Amazon to mitigate attempted malicious breaches before they occur.To see what we created to help connect Caregivers about highly specific Subjects or Sub-topics, go to Caregiving Network. You can browse invisibly to view the application. When you want to participate, just register to join the discussions.Together, we will build a coalition of family and friends who care for their loved ones AND each other.