VA Expands Aid to Cover Vietnam Vets’ Caregivers

VA Expands Aid to Cover Vietnam Vets’ CaregiversThe expansion comes at a crucial time during the pandemic”An 18-year-old American soldier who went to fight in Vietnam in 1968 — the year of peak deployment —is now 70 years old. In addition to the usual health problems affecting that age group, many Vietnam veterans struggle with Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the effects of Agent Orange.”“…Caregivers will be eligible to receive up to $2,800 a month for aiding veterans who require assistance with what health professionals call “Activities of Daily Living” (ADL), the basics needed for independent living at home or in the community. That includes help with bathing, dressing, feeding, and getting in and out of bed.””The program provides compensation to spouses, parents, and other partners of severely injured veterans who would otherwise require expensive care in a facility…” Read more here: