As the Coronavirus Surges, a New Culprit Emerges: Pandemic Fatigue

As the Coronavirus Surges, a New Culprit Emerges: Pandemic FatigueExhaustion and impatience are creating new risks as cases soar in parts of the world. “They have had enough,” one U.S. mayor said of her residents.If the spring was characterized by horror, the fall has become an odd mix of resignation and heedlessness. People who once would not leave their homes are now considering dining indoors for the first time — some losing patience after so many months without, others slipping in a fancy meal before the looming winter months when the virus is expected to spread more readily. “In the spring, it was fear and a sense of, ‘We are all in it together,’” said Vaile Wright, a psychologist at the American Psychological Association who studies stress in the United States. “Things are different now,” she said. “Fear has really been replaced with fatigue.”More from the NY Times: