“Sky Blossom” – A new documentary highlights young veteran caregivers of color

A new documentary highlights young veteran caregivers of color.“It’s a film made about caregivers by people who are caregivers. It’s about people of color made by those who are people of color,” director Richard Lui said.A scene in the new documentary “Sky Blossom: Diaries of the Next Greatest Generation” shows siblings Kamaile, 23, and Kaleo, 18, from Hawaii talking about their “kuleana,” or responsibility to care for their grandfather, an 80-year-old Korean War vet with Alzheimer’s and dementia.“Sky Blossom,” in part, examines how cultural factors play into caring for a loved one. The film is an honest exploration of how five young people of color, ranging from 12 to 26, work as caregivers for a family member who is a veteran with disabilities.Read more about it here: https://nbcnews.to/3lmZrPr