Coronavirus is creating more trauma for caregivers every day

Caregiving Network focuses on connecting caregivers to help reduce stress, isolation for caregivers, and to share stories that provide valuable information and support. Coronavirus is creating more trauma for caregivers every day. Over 250,000 people in the United States have died of Covid-19 and confirmed cases continue to skyrocket. It is estimated that more than 3 million people in the nation have active coronavirus infections and are potentially contagious. The map will provide you a reference of how many are of us are infected. It’s not too late to remain home for Thanksgiving. Large celebrations with family and friends will create another super spreader event. Airports report more than a million Americans traveled daily over the weekend.We urge you to reconsider your travel. Register at Caregiving Network and talk about Covid-19 with your caregiving peers. They are in the same position as you.