Celebrating National Vietnam War Veterans Day

U.S. Department of Government Affairs
Denis McDonough U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs
“Today, March 29, our Nation will commemorate National Vietnam War Veterans Day on its 50th anniversary
For 20 years, nine million American men and women – more than six million of whom are living today – who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces during our involvement in Vietnam from November 1, 1955 to May 7, 1975. Whether they were stationed in-country, in-theater or elsewhere during those two decades, they answered the country’s call to service.
This year, VA will again join more than 11,000 organizations across the country as a commemorative partner supporting the Department of Defense in this Vietnam War Commemoration.
Please remember and help us reach out to Vietnam Veterans who may be living in remote locations, those who are physically unable to attend commemorative events, and those in assisted living, geriatric, rehabilitative or palliative care facilities. We encourage every American to show their deep gratitude to this generation of warriors and their families. Vietnam Veterans living in these conditions may especially appreciate your care and concern.”

Show Your Support
For Veterans with a Facebook account, they can download a frame at http://www.facebook.com/profilepicframes/?selected_overlay_id=1283448505177118to place a picture and show their pride for serving. The frame shows the Vietnam War Veteran day pin and the text “Proud Vietnam War Veteran.”
For anyone who wants to show appreciation for Vietnam War Veterans, an additional frame is at http://www.facebook.com/profilepicframes/?selected_overlay_id=539877446965802The frame shows the Vietnam War Commemoration logo and the text “I support Vietnam War Veterans.”