Let’s Talk Nursing Now

Caregiving Network is dedicated to caregivers, but we want to give a grateful shout out to the nurses and their supporters who care for us daily.
Let’s Talk Nursing Now, welcomes Eileen O’Grady, CNP and Wellness Coach
Eileen O’Grady, nurse practitioner and wellness coach will share her coaching expertise with us monthly on issues related to wellbeing and promotion of high level wellness of nurses on her podcast, Wellness Tools for Nurses. Her website can be found at eileenogrady.net
“With the pandemic and its impact on the nursing community, we should be mindful of our own needs and make getting them met our highest priority We should think about opportunities to bring joy to the workplace and affirmatively do so. How many people can we make smile? What about bringing laughter into the unit? After all, this is something we can do; and it immediately changes the atmosphere of the workplace.”
Eileen is a friend, colleague, and an advocate. She is Founder of The School of Wellness where she creates edgy programs on extreme self-care incorporating the science of well being into all that she does.
Let’s Talk Nursing Now, LTNN, is a social media platform committed to sharing news by and for nurses. Let’s Talk Nursing Now includes interviews of nurses engaged in interesting practices or supporting essential policies.
Let’s Talk Nursing Now can be found on Facebook, Apple Podcasts, BlogTalkRadio, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
For more information, contact www.LTNN.net.