Support Systems

Well it appears that eight weeks is the time that I needed to start to feel and process all of my emotions.
You see, at the beginning of my caregiver journey, I simply buried all emotions into my own personal black box – and I lived my life in denial of how I was actually feeling.
For the record, I don’t recommend this approach.
One of the goals that I’ve set for myself during self-isolation has been to become self-aware of everything that I’m feeling – and doing this without judgment….EEK!
While it doesn’t feel good or necessarily comfortable while you’re in it, it certainly is the healthy way to process your emotions.
I’m starting to notice a difference, an improvement of sorts in how I feel. Part of this, is because I’m focusing on what I can control – me, my action and my reactions.
So even though Summer’s behaviour is still unpredictable and challenging – my ability to weather the storms has improved immensely.
These are the small victories which I’m choosing to celebrate.
What’s very important to highlight is that I’m not doing this work on my own. I have a support system that includes professional help, family and friends. These trusted people have been such a wonderful life line for me as I stay at home to remain safe with my family.
I know that as caregivers, we often feel isolated or feel that no one truly understands the challenges that we face on a daily basis. These are excuses that could prevent you from moving forward and finding some peace in the current situation.
I recognize that as a caregiver, my mental well-being is the best gift that I can give both of my kids.