Taking Care of Margaret

Margaret Mitchell was my housekeeper for 21 years. She was 54 when we met. The relationship we had was astounding. I took care of everything she wanted and needed, including a car, appliances for her home, long vacations and lots of attention. She responded by taking care of me starting with breakfast at 7:30AM and not leaving until everything was perfect at home. I returned many days from work to find a coffee cake on the kitchen counter or a kind note on the refrigerator. She developed Parkinson’s disease at age 75 and retired. For the next 20 years, we made sure she had her own apartment, helped her with rehab when she fell numerous times, provided 24-hour care with the help of city resources, and made sure Margaret had lots of company until the day she passed away at 93. She was no longer able even to speak. Taking care of someone you love and the commitment you make to be there until the end of their life is a big responsibility, and best shared. I think of her every day.