The Control Audit

How much energy are you using trying to control things that are out of your hands?
Sometimes we don’t need to know the why, we simply need to be aware of the action and look for the road of least resistance.
Trust me, I have spent much time trying to figure out the why, when maybe it doesn’t even matter.
If we’re trying to change our thought patterns, our mindsets and the way that we react, do we necessarily need to look backwards, or can we focus on where we want to be and how we want to feel?
One tool that I use is called the Control Audit. It entails me asking myself two simple questions – What Can I Control? And What Can’t I Control?
Pretty easy right….when I do that, I quickly learn that there are basically ONLY two things that I actually control, my thoughts and my actions/reactions.
How ironic that we spend so much time focused on the long list of things under What I Can’t Control? and the hardest thing for us to do is the two things under the What I Can Control list?.
All we can do is laugh about it and give ourself some grace and compassion.
Life is always teaching us if we dare give up some control and listen.