The Power of Love

Four letters make one powerful word – LOVE.
Love is a basic need – we all need it and we all crave it.
With everything going on in the world, the power of love is being demonstrated now more than ever. We’re witnessing how love can really overshadow hate.
I believe that as caregivers, we can take a moment to reflect on self-love as we devote so much time and energy caring for a family member.
Why is it so challenging to show ourselves the same unconditional love that we give to family and friends?
If your automatic response, “but Nicole, I do love myself!”?
To that I respond, then why do you treat yourself so badly?
How is it that we can do 1,000 amazing things for our loved ones, yet, we do 1 thing wrong or incorrectly – and that is what we remember? For real! We lay in bed at night reliving that one thing.
Do you ever take a moment and tell yourself that you’re an amazing caregiver – an amazing parent, an amazing family member or an amazing partner?
I ask this because we need to recognize and acknowledge our worth. Do we love ourselves enough to say it out loud?
As a society, we’re taught to focus on weaknesses and areas of improvements. Trying to be perfect seems to be engrained in us. Surprise….there’s no such thing as perfection – in anything!
There are only points of views. That is why I’m such an advocate for no judgment, and no comparisons in parenting and caregiving. I separate parenting and caregiving as I’m both in my role as a mother.
If you have neurotypical children in addition to a child with special needs, you know that parenting the ‘siblings’ brings its own set of challenges (and feelings of guilt).
As caregivers, we all come to the table with strengths and weaknesses – but most importantly, we call come to the table with the ability to love. I challenge you to try loving yourself as much as you do others.
Much love to you all!