What Are You Waiting For?

February is the month of hearts and love. What are you waiting for? Start with radical self-love.
From my earliest memories, people have always been telling me what to do, how to think, how to act, what to eat, etc. Who you say? Well, parents, teachers, coaches, society, government, religious leaders, etc.
It is any wonder then that people look to others for validation, happiness, worthiness and love??
What if the real magic comes from tuning out ALL of those voices and start to listen to the only voice that matters – your own.
So…what are you waiting for?
It sounds so liberating, so empowering, so refreshing – yet, it is the hardest thing that I’ve done in my life (even harder than long and painful all-natural deliveries).
Choosing my happiness over all else.
Choosing to love myself more than anyone else. (Oh my goodness – can you believe that I wrote that?! What kind of mother am I?)
I’m saying good-bye to it all:
The pressure
The overstepped boundaries
The judgment
The disappointment
The disapproval
The guilt
The doubt
Other people’s expectations
I believe it is ALL worth it.
Imagine how strong, powerful, resilient and peaceful you will feel.
Imagine the permission you are giving others to be themselves.
Imagine the freedom you are offering others by showing up authentically.
Imagine the clarity you are showing by being true to yourself.
Imagine the inspiration you are giving by simply doing.
Imagine the positive example you are modelling for your kids to choose happiness and to choose themselves above all else.
This is my current path. This is me personifying self-love, self-worth and self-acceptance.
The shackles of caring about the judgement, etc are gone AND the sweet taste of living in alignment is magical.
Knowing that we are enough and learning to look in the mirror and love what we see is the best give that we can ever give ourselves.
It is at this moment that we then show up as the best version of ourselves in all of our roles.